Our Impact
Community Engagement
In addition to our building and remodeling projects, HomeAid reaches out to meet the immediate needs of Utah families and individuals experiencing homeless and the organizations that assist them. Every year we complete several HomeAid Care Days, HomeAid CareKits, and the HomeAid Essentials Drive.
HomeAid Care Days
HomeAid Care Days are hands-on volunteer workdays during which minor repairs and upgrades are made at homeless projects and homeless service facilities. Tasks like painting, landscaping, cleaning, and small construction projects are done at no charge based on each organization’s need. Since 2001, HomeAid has completed nearly 100 HomeAid Care Days (and counting), resulting in a savings of more than $315,000 to service providers.
Virtual Giving Machine
The Virtual Giving Machine was developed in collaboration with a student team from BYU. Its purpose is to provide a one-stop site for the public to donate relevant, new items that are needed in real-time by participating providers of homeless services. During the final two months of 2020, HomeAid ran a Thanks4Giving campaign directing people to the site which resulted in the donation of over 23,000 unique items (over $6,000 in value) to a variety of our front-line service providers. To date, the Virtual Giving Machine has resulted in the donation of over 29,000 unique items!