The 2023 HomeAid Utah Diaper Drive is set to be our biggest yet! With a goal of 750,000 diapers, we hope to make an immense impact in our Utah community. In addition to HomeAid's core mission of helping provide safe, dignified housing through our unique relationship with the home-building industry, we also work to promote awareness and community engagement to help those who need a hand. For the last 4 years, HomeAid Utah has hosted a Diaper Drive to support the Utah Diaper Bank. Each year we have proudly been named their largest annual donor, with each year’s donations surpassing the previous year. We had an ambitious goal of 500,000 diapers for 2022 and exceeded our goal by over 12,000 diapers!
Diapers are NOT covered by government safety net programs and can be a major financial strain for families experiencing homelessness or housing instability. The Diaper Bank works with a network of reputable service providers to make sure diapers are distributed to our most vulnerable friends and neighbors. For our 5th annual Diaper Drive, we have a big goal of 750,000 diapers and WE NEED YOUR HELP to achieve our goal!
In 2023, we have decided to do something totally new and unique. Rather than having one business or group construct a diaper house, we are raising the stakes- all in honor of babies in need with a DIAPER HOUSE COMPETITION!
Learn more about the Diaper House Competition
Sign up to build a Diaper House
For information on sponsorships, please contact Don and Isabelle |
Click below to watch last year’s highlight video:
A huge thanks to Bailey and Tanner from Thorne Film & Photo. They kindly created this incredible video on our behalf. We are so grateful for their participation.
Click below to watch the 2021 highlight video:
Additional Highlights from 2021